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Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lindner

Professor of History of Europe and European Colonialism

Historical Institute
Modern History
50923 Cologne

Member of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC), the CRC 228 Future Rural Africa and mentor in the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne


Contact Details

Philosophikum, 3rd floor, Office 3.127


Tel.: 0221-470 3810

Fax: 0221-470 5148

Office: 0221-470 5243


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lindner will be on research leave at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect from October 2024 to July 2025. She will be substituted by Prof. Dr. Jens Jäger.


Office Hours

Summer Term 2024

Office hours will be held on Wednesdays, between 11 and 12 am in my office (3.127) or via Zoom.

During the semester break, office hours will be held on Wednesday, 7 August from 10 to 11 am and on Wednesday, 21 August from 10 to 11 am via Zoom.

Please register via the Scheduler.


Submission of Term Papers

To meet the deadline, please hand in your term papers in PDF format via e-mail.


Research Topics

Global History

Comparative Imperial History

Global Social Policy and Medical History

Postcolonial Approaches

Gender History


Courses and Lectures

Summer Term 2024