Digital resources
- Panel discussions chaired by Professor Klose at the Herrenhausen Conference "Governing Humanitarianism – Past, Present, and Future of Global Equity and Social Justice" (11th to 13th September 2022):
- Humanitarianism as Global Networks and Activism with Mike Aaronson (University of Surrey), Julia Irwin (University of South Florida), Elisabeth Piller (Freiburg University)
- Humanitarianism and International Law with Murray Hunt (Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, London), Claus Kreß (University of Cologne) and Natalia Jevglevskaja (University of New South Wales)
- Panel discussion with Prof. Klose: Herrenhäuser Gespräch. Dem Frieden dienlich? Humanitär motivierte Militärinterventionen
- Putin's attack on Ukraine contextualized in History, Politics, and International Law. Recording of a webinar on 15th March 2022 [Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine. Historische, politische und völkerrechtliche Einordnungen.]
- Book-L(a)unch-Podcast: „Doppelter Boden“ by Dr. Arvid Schors
- The International Organisation of Peace. AKHF Assembly 2021 [Die internationale Organisation des Friedens. AKHF-Jahrestagung 2021 als digitale Seminarreihe mit Prof. Dr. Fabian Klose]
- Podcast with Prof. Klose: The Quest for a New Order: International Politics Between Visions of Global Governance and Catastrophic Failures in the 1990s