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PD Dr. Knud Andresen is a research associate at the Research Centre for Contemporary History in Hamburg and lecturer at the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on the cultural and social history of the 20th century, in particular, the history of working environments, trade unions, and social movements. He is currently contributing, among others, to a project on German and Swedish companies in South Africa during the apartheid regime.

Dr. Robert Bernsee is a research associate and lecturer at the Institute for Economic and Social History at the Georg August University of Göttingen. Previously, he held positions in Darmstadt and Heidelberg. His research interests include the history of law, administration, and politics from a cultural perspective as well as transatlantic economic history. He is currently preparing a book on the history of creativity and copyright between 1950 and 1980. His publications include a monograph on corruption and bureaucratic reforms (Moralische Erneuerung. Korruption und bürokratische Reformen, 1780–1820; 2017) and articles in internationally recognized journals such as the Journal of Modern European History, Business History, and Administory. Journal for administrative history.

Sören Brandes is a fellow of the International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. He is a Ph.D. student at the Freie Universität Berlin. His research focuses on the history of neoliberal populism in the United States and Great Britain. Publications include papers on Milton Friedman, neoliberal television, and the praxeology of capitalism.

PD Dr. Kerstin Brückweh is head of the research group “The Longue Durée of 1989/90. Regime Change and Everyday Life in East Germany” at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam. Currently, she is a fellow at the Max Weber College for Cultural and Social Studies in Erfurt. Her research focuses on questions of ownership and housing property during the ‘Wende’. Prior to this, she received her doctorate in Bielefeld with a dissertation on German history (Mordlust. Serienmorde, Gewalt und Emotionen im 20. Jahrhundert; 2006). For six years, she was a research fellow at the German Historical Institute in London. She received her habilitation with a manuscript on knowledge production in censuses and survey research from the nineteenth century to the digital age (Menschen zählen. Wissensproduktion durch britische Volkszählungen und Surveys vom 19. Jahrhundert bis ins digitaler Zeitalter; 2015) from the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.

Dr. Pierre Eichenberger is a historian interested in capitalism, currently a Swiss National Science Foundation Visiting Scholar at the Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies at The New School for Social Research in New York. He has published on the history of Swiss employers’ and business associations, strikes, social policy and on a transnational history of Switzerland. He is writing, together with Thomas David, his second book, ‘Businessmen of the World, Unite!’ The International Chamber of Commerce and the Rise of Global Capitalism in the Twentieth Century. In August 2020, I will join the University of Lausanne as a permanent lecturer (Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche) in international history.

Dr. Sina Fabian is a research associate at the Chair of “German History in the 20th Century with a Focus on National Socialism” at Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Her current project is about alcohol consumption in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. She completed her doctorate at the University of Potsdam in 2015 with a thesis on consumer behaviour in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain in the 1970s and 1980s, published in 2016 (Boom in der Krise. Konsum, Tourismus, Autofahren in Westdeutschland und Großbritannien, 1970-1990).

Dr. Jürgen Finger is head of the Department of Contemporary History at the German Historical Institute in Paris. In his current project, he is investigating the significance of social norms and morality in the French economy between the founding of the Third Republic and the First World War. In earlier projects, he dealt with the educational, administrative, and business history of National Socialist Germany. His publications include books on Nazi school politics in Southwestern Germany (Eigensinn im Einheitsstaat. NS-Schulpolitik in Württemberg, Baden und im Elsass, 1933–1945; 2016) and the Dr. Oekter family business during the Third Reich (Dr. Oetker und der Nationalsozialismus. Geschichte eines Familienunternehmens 1933–1945; 2013 together with Sven Keller and Andreas Wirsching).

PD Dr. Reinhild Kreis is researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Contemporary History at the University of Mannheim. Her research interests include German history of the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of consumption, the history of protest, the history of transatlantic relations, and the history of emotions. Her habilitation thesis is about values and practices of Do it yourself (DIY) in the 20th century (Selbermachen im Konsumzeitalter. Werte, Ordnungsvorstellungen und Praktiken von den 1880er zu den 1980er Jahren, completed in 2018).

Dr. David Kuchenbuch is a research associate at the Historical Institute of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. He studied Modern and Contemporary History and Scandinavian Studies in Berlin and Stockholm and received his doctorate in Oldenburg in 2010. He is the author of two books about the Peckham experiment as a micro-history and knowledge history of the London based Pioneer Health Centre (Das Peckham-Experiment. Eine Mikro- und Wissensgeschichte des Londoner „Pioneer Health Centre“ im 20. Jahrhundert; 2014) and about architects and social engineering in Germany and Sweden (Geordnete Gemeinschaft. Architekten als Sozialingenieure. Deutschland und Schweden im 20. Jahrhundert; 2010). Currently, he is working on a book dealing with the media history of globalism in the second half of the 20th century.

Dr. Benjamin Möckel is a research associate at the Historical Institute of the University of Cologne and, currently, Feodor Lynen fellow at the Oxford Centre for European History. He received his doctorate for a thesis on the history of memory and generational discourses in the two German post-war societies (Erfahrungsbruch und Generationsbehauptung. Die ‘Kriegsjugendgeneration’ in den beiden deutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaften; 2014). His current research project is about the emergence of ethical consumer practices in Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany since the 1960s.

PD Dr. Tim Schanetzky teaches Modern and Contemporary History at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and is head of a research project on the history of political education after 1945. He received his doctorate in Frankfurt am Main with a thesis on the economic paradigm shift of the 1970s. He received his habilitation in Jena with a comparative study on “government entrepreneurs” in National Socialist Germanys and the USA. Most recently, he published a handbook on economic history and consumption in the Third Reich (Kanonen statt Butter. Wirtschaft und Konsum im Dritten Reich, 2015).

PD Dr. Korinna Schönhärl is the primary researcher of a Heisenberg project on the “International Cultural History of Tax Morale” at the Goethe Univerity in Frankfurt am Main. She studied history and German studies at the universities of Regensburg and Thessaloniki. She received her doctorate in 2008 from the University of Frankfurt with a study about the economists in the circle of Stefan George (Wissen und Visionen. Theorie und Politik der Ökonomen im Stefan George-Kreis; 2009). Her habilitation was about European banking and Greece in the 19th century (Finanziers in Sehnsuchtsräumen. Europäische Banken und Griechenland im 19. Jahrhundert; 2017). Other research interests include the methodology of history (system theory, discourse analysis, history of emotions, behaviorial finance) and the history of economic ideas. The trademark of Schönhärl’s work is a close connection of political, economic and cultural history.

Dr. Daniel Stahl is a research associate at the chair of Contemporary history of the Friedrich Schiller University at Jena and scientific secretary of the Study Group Human Rights in the 20th Century. His current research focuses on the history of arms trade and international law. He received his doctorate in 2013 with a thesis on the hunt for Nazi criminals in South America (Nazi-Jagd. Südamerikas Diktaturen und die Ahndung von NS-Verbrechen; 2013).

Dr. Mischa Suter is a research associate at the History Department of Basel University. Currently, he is a visiting scholar of the Swiss National Sciences Foundation at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He received his doctorate with a study about the everyday life of private debt in the 19th century (Rechtstrieb: Schulden und Vollstreckung im liberalen Kapitalismus 1800–1900; 2016). His current book project is about conflicts about money as a social medium in German history and in a global perspective (1870–1923). Other research interests include the history of ethnopsychology in the period of decolonization.

Prof. Dr. Ute Tellmann is a professor of General Sociology/Sociological Theory at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Before this, she held posts in Erfurt, Hamburg and Basel. She received her doctorate from Cornell University with a study on the genealogy of the frontier between the economy and politics in the 19th and 20th century focusing on concepts of the population and money at the intersection of both spheres. Her research focuses the sociology of time, the cultural sociology of economic phenomena, and the history of knowledge of economics and sociology. Currently, she is working on a project on the biopolitics of global financialised debt.