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Elias Mahiout


Department of History
Modern History
50923 Cologne

Philosophikum, 3rd floor, Room 3.105

E-Mail: elias.mahiout(at)

Office hours

Please contact me via E-Mail to set up an appointment.

Main Research Topics

  • European History of the 18th to the Early 20th Century, in particular the "Sattelzeit" (transition period from mid-18th to mid-19th century)
  • History of Knowledge
  • History of Media
  • War and Nationalism

Dissertation Project
First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ute Planert (Köln), Secon Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Walther (Wuppertal)
Knowledge Popluarisation on the Move: Disorder and Reorganisation in Periodicals of the Early 19th Century (working title)


since 09/2020 Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") at the Chair of Modern History (Prof. Dr. Ute Planert) 
04/2020-07/2020 Lecturer ("Lehrbeauftragter") at the Department of History of University of Cologne
04/2019-07/2020 Tutor for the Introductory Lecture in Modern History 
08/2017-08/2020 Student Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft") at the Chair of Modern History (Prof. Dr. Ute Planert) at University of Cologne 
2016-2020 Master of Arts in Modern History at University of Cologne 
2012-2016 Bachelor of Arts in English, History and Educational Sciences at University of Cologne




The European “Penny Magazines”: Popular Culture, Identity and the Spread of Nationalism in the 1830s, 11th International Conference European Society for Periodical Research. Periodicals and Belonging: 27/28/29 June 2023 Leeds Beckett University.

„Die Verbreitung nützlicher Kenntnisse ist das schönste Geschenk, das man seinem Jahrhunderte machen kann“ – The Creation of National Orders of Knowledge in the European Penny Magazines of the Early 19th Century, 13th International Forum ‚Junge VormärzForschung‘: 22 April 2023 University of Wuppertal.

Popularisation of Knowledge on the Move: Disorder and Reorganisation in Periodicals of the Early 19th Century, Colloquium New Research on the History of the 19th Century: 12/13 May 2022 Cologne.



Das Aushängeschild des Historischen Seminars: Ermentrude von Ranke an der jungen Universität zu Köln, in: Ute Planert (Hrsg.), Alberts Töchter. Kölner Frauen zwischen Stadt, Universität und Republik (1914-1933), St. Ingbert 2019, S. 449-468.

Conference review: Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, 12.05.-13.05.2022, Cologne (with Jonas Wernz), in: H-Soz-Kult (22.09.2022).